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Support for you & your loved ones.

It’s important to support each other when dealing with stress. We’ve collated a range of helpful resources for you and your loved ones.

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Links to support managing stress:

Beyond Blue 
Mental health information, advice, and tools to support people to improve their mental health.

Beyond Blue - Aboriginal information resources
Information and resources, including flyers and videos, for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

Black Dog Institute
Information and resources for mood disorders, including depression and bipolar disorder.

ECentre Clinic
Free online mental health and wellbeing courses run by Macquarie University.


Friend Line
A free anonymous phone support service for anyone to call for a chat and to connect.

Head to Health
Created by the Australian Government providing access to information on mental health issues and mental health support services.


Provides access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services for people experiencing emotional distress.

A national crisis support line for mob who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping, staffed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people.



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